Turkey Coop

Now that we’re done using the turkey coop base to move the chicks out to pasture, the turkeys have feathered out, and the air outside warmed up a bit, it’s time to get the turkey coop finished.

Amy had an awesome craigslist find in this “garden trailer base” that was just $25.  I suppose you could build a garden trailer on it, but we think it will be better used as the base for a mobile turkey coop.

I spent a few hours one afternoon last weekend building a coop on top of the base, using exclusively scrap wood. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Amy had the great idea of combining its door with a ladder, so I just made one entire side fold down to the ground.

Turkeys in coop june 9 2013-1

turkey coop empty

Then Amy tested the paint sprayer her parents gave her for her birthday by painting it all white.

turkey coop paint june 16 2013-1

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