First Real Snow – or ’twas the blizzard before christmas

The forecast promised 9-16″ of snow with strong winds.  Pretty serious, even for here.  Then it was 12-16″.  Then it was 12-20″.   Our winter storm warning was joined by a blizzard watch, then both removed in lieu of a blizzard warning.

In short, it delivered as promised.

A few hours into the storm the view out of our back deck had a bit of snow:
By the time the winds stopped blowing 36 hours later, that same scene is almost unrecognizable:
Despite being quite completely stuck at home for about 60 hours, it really was quite pretty:
Molly loved it, even though the snow was at her shoulder level:
We all enjoyed playing in it:amyangel
The skies cleared before the roads, and we dug out the chicken sunroom:
bilzzard-5 bilzzard-4

And found the mailbox that had been plowed right off of its post:

For our first big weather event in the country, things went pretty smoothly. We had food, water, plenty of propane, some firewood (not enough had we really needed it for long, but more than none), and fortunately never lost power for more than 5 seconds. As an added bonus, we got to meet a nice neighbor from down the road who hadn’t been so lucky when she stopped in to recharge her cell batteries.

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