Bathroom Blue Banished

The basement bathroom was in an aesthetically sorry state of affairs when we moved in.

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Like the rest of the basement, it was really more roughed in than finished.  There were bare bulbs where light fixtures might go, cheap stick-on tile, an afterthought of a countertop, and — the coup de grace — the same sky blue sponge painting over white that originally graced the rest of the basement.  Even the shower-head and exhaust fan were sponge painted. Ugh.

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January is birthday season here, and Amy wanted to get this room cleaned up before we host a series of parties.  So her Mom came up for a couple of days and they gave it a quick makeover.  Changing the counter or the floor aren’t budgetary priorities at the moment, but some quality time stripping paint with , a new coat of paint (Sherman Williams Homestead Brown, SW7515),  a new light fixture, and  shower curtain from a previous house made quite a difference.

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The goof-off worked so well we took it to the exhaust fan and solar tube cover in the upstairs bathroom where the same blue paint had been inexplicably daubed on the fixtures. The goof off stinks, takes a while to work, and needs some elbow grease, but it was nice to rid the house of the last bits of randomly painted sky blue.

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